Wednesday, January 13, 2010

what's the back story...

I just wanted to say that if you stumble across this blog and haven't had the "joy" {lol} of being here from the beginning....the back story is missing.


if you are like me, and i am sure someone is, you like to go back to the beginning and read the whole story.

I deleted it. If you read the post below, maybe you will understand why. Maybe not. Sometimes i wish it was still there, for me, but I deleted it, much like i do everything with much passion! lol.

I left a VERY few things behind, but most of what i left won't tell you much. I recapped the highlights below.

I think I am done posting here.

I like that last post, so i don't know if i will delete the blog or leave it here. If you stop by, let me know what you think. Should it stay or should it go now?




Anonymous said...


whatever you decide to do... good luck!

Holly Golightly said...

thanks stud!
miss talkin to you! hope you are doing well!

Kelly said...

I hope you decide not to leave... but if you do wind up somewhere else, could you PLEASE make sure to send me the link???

Miss you, girl :-)

Mistress160 and solipsist said...

Definitely stay!

Take care, beautiful :)