Monday, January 26, 2009

Sixteen things about me. Right now.

1. I still have a sick kid. She gets better and then worse. i can't plan anything because i don't know from day to day what's going to happen. This makes me crazy.

2. I desperately need to get my hair dyed again but ...see number 1!

3. I have watched Mulan two times today in bed with my sick kid. Girls rock!

4. I had a GREAT night with K on Friday night...and he is amazing.

5. i am making Tacos for dinner.

6. I have a few blogger friends who i really make me smile everyday!

7. I love Coke Zero. I love it too much.

8. My house is a wreck and i need to be getting things ready for various projects...but i am just not motivated and ...sick kid wants me in bed with her all day...its not a hard sell.

9. I see way too much Hannah Montana and Suite life for a person who is 35!

10. I love Alice in Wonderland and Sleeping Beauty.

11. I am bored.

12. i have nothing to say.

13. Why is this so hard?

14. How do the 100 things about me people do this?

15. It is almost time for me to do carpool...yeehaw!

16. I miss my Daddy. Is it time for him to be home yet?


Anonymous said...

what about "drake and josh" and "iCarly"? Those are on 24/7 around here!

Nolens Volens said...

Or SpongeBob SquarePants? LOL

Mike said...

Your lucky, when my oldest was litle and she wasn`t well, i had to watch the carebare with her!!!!!

Shad said...

Neither of my kids will stay in bed when sick. They usually end up snuggling up in my recliner (an oversized one. In this house though it always seem both kids and the wife get sick together so I take care of them all ;-) So they watch TV together while I stay away except for medicine, food, and temp check.

Hope everyone gets well soon. I'm sure you can name 100 things about you, but you need a clear mind to think of them. Sick kid in your head will not help.

Take care *hugs*